Our Super Strength training is a mix of different exercises from lifting weights to running to improve strength, endurance, agility and overall fitness.
The sessions are efficient, engaging and fun. They help to reduce the bodyweight and stay fit.
We are happy to invite you to our Super Strength group classes where you can experience these benefits for yourself and have a blast while getting fit!
The goals of the calsses are to develop full body strength, aerobic and anaerobic endurance, agility and balance, speed and flexibility. The exercises are helpful to correct the bodyweight and effective to get in shape.
Our group classes are for any level. We don't use heavy weights and all the exercises are adjustable to the fitness abilities.
1 monthAll the sessions are 90 minutes long
No, the exercises we do are relatively simple to perform but efficient. A coach will watch your technique and correct if something goes wrong
Yes, the exercises are adaptive to any level. There will be different variations of exercises or weights. If you train hard enough there is no way it will be easy for you
No special equipment is required. However, you can bring training gloves and a bottle of water