26 December

6 general training sessions what you can do while you are travelling


Year end is always a busy period for many of us. We are busy with travelling to see our loved ones back home, preparing for festive season and celebrating to overcome another year and welcome the new.

Judit SpieglCoach

It is not that easy to keep our training routine while we are away from UAE and we have no access for our ordinary training facilities and training tools, when we have lack of time to train and many times lack of motivation also.

Here I recommend a few 1 hour sessions what you can do anywhere while you are travelling to keep yourself in form and not being completely out of training during your vacation period. Enjoy!

  1. SESSION – Short interval running – Intense
    • 10 minutes easy running to warm up.
    • 20x1 minute hard effort 90% pace with 1 minute active rest (walking, slow jogging) in between.
    • 10 minutes easy running to cool down.

  2. SESSION – Long interval running – Medium intensity
    • 10 minutes easy running to warm up.
    • SET – 8 minutes continuous running: increase your pace (or heart rate zone) by each 2 minutes
      start from easy and finish with hard effort by the last 2 minute.
      Repeat the set 4X with 2 minutes active rest (walking, slow jogging) in between.
    • 10 minutes easy running to cool down.

  3. SESSION – Running and strenghtening combination – Medium intensity
    • 5 minutes easy running to warm up.
    • SET - 5 minutes moderate running then doing 2 strenghtening exercises from the below list.
      Repeat the set 5X, alternate the exercises:
      • Burpees – 15X
      • Push up in normal hand position – 15X
      • Jumping lounges – 10X
      • Push up in wide hand position – 15X
      • Hold plank position on lower arm – 30 seconds
    • 15 minutes easy running to cool down.

  4. SESSION – Stairs – Medium intensity
    • 15 minutes easy running to warm up.
    • Search for stairs with level of 15-20 steps. Do the exercises climbing up on the stairs and walk back as a recovery. Mind your step.
      25 rounds as below:
      • Running up easy – 3X
      • Skip up on every stairs – 3X
      • Running up stepping on each stairs– 3X
      • Skip up on every 2nd stairs – 3X
      • Running up stepping on every 2nd stairs– 3X
      • Skip up with the least amount of jumps – 2X
      • Run up with the least amount of steps – 2X
      • Skip up on every stairs with right leg only – 2X
      • Skip up on every stairs with left leg only – 2X
      • Running up easy – 2X
    • 10 minutes easy running to cool down.

  5. SESSION – Short interval cycling – Intense - Need an indoor bike or stationary bike
    • 10 minutes easy cycling to warm up.
    • 20x1 minute hard effort 90% pace with 1 minute active pedaling in between.
    • 10 minutes easy cycling to cool down.

  6. SESSION – Steady running or cycling – Easy - Need an indoor bike or stationary bike
    • Be a tourist at home and run or cycle for 45 minutes. Do it easy to be able to enjoy the environment and see everything around you, this is the best way to burn fat and have an easy workout.
    • 15 minutes stretching (!)

If you are looking for a team, join us here. Or, if you have any more doubts, feel free to send us an e-mail.