
There is one way to have better achievement which I am not sure you think about as an additional possibility. LOSE WEIGHT!

Judit SpieglCoach

Imagine yourself with the same power of your body but with less weight. How much faster you can go if you are less with 2 or even 3-5 kilos?

Losing weight is complex but not unattainable. So how can you be slimmer?
Implement some changes in your diet and in your lifestyle.

  1. Do some sports. It is obvious and we are doing it quite well. To reach efficient fat burning you need to do a workout of minimum 30 minutes (!) and at a low intensity. You need to have enough oxygen in your body since oxygen is essential for the fat burning process called beta-oxidation. Therefore slow and long distance workouts are the best. Go for an easy ride or running with friends and have a chit-chat. If you are able to talk while you are cycling or running it is definitely considered as a fat burning session.

  2. Try to have deficit in your calories. I know eating is part of our social life, especially after our training sessions but please try to moderate the portion. Also keep hydrating during the training sessions (long bike and long run) and not finish the session in ’a die of hunger feeling’, in general try to maintain your blood sugar on a certain level during your entire day.

  3. Once you eat try to prefer quality foods and those meals which are more healthy and having body-close PH. Some basic suggestions:

    - Butter instead of margarine.
    - Chicken or fish instead of pork. Eat beef with moderation also.
    - Eat vegetables as much as you can.
    - Suggested fruits: pineapple, coconut, lemon. Eat less orange and apple.
    - Rice instead of potato.
    - Honey instead of sugar.
    - Drink pure water at least 3 litre per a day.
    - Try to avoid: sweet drinks, chips, low quality chocolates, low quality ice creams, tough sweet cakes, ready made or processed foods.
    - Alcohol, drink it with moderation also. Avoid nice cocktails, ’simple’ drinks have less calory: beer or wine. Strong spirits are full of calory.
    - Very much advised for fat burning to take lemon and ginger.
    - Try to drink the liquid of 1-2 pieces of lemon twice a day. Pure lemon, if it is too sour just add water in it, but NO sugar. It can destroy your teeth, so suggested to drink it with a straw.
    - Prepare tea from ginger and drink it also twice a day.

  4. SLEEP well and ENOUGH. Very important for your body, as our hormonal system controls everything and it needs enough time to rest and recover also. Do not underestimate the effect and time of sleeping.

  5. Stay positive and laugh as much as you can.

Sooner or later your body, your mood and your entire life will be changed and you can be slimer, healthier and happier person.

Keep smiling!

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