The kinesiotape is a technique, which is used, an adhesive tape. Which it improve the function of the many diversity infrastructures, for example in the neurological system, circulatory system and motor system.
The principal quality of the kinesiotape is the elasticity, that can be up to 130%. It is very thin, so it adapts to any surface and shape. It has a special braiding that allows it to wrinkle and deform it, in the direction that you want. And it is made of hypoallergenic materials, and is prepared to remain attached to the body for up to 96 hours
Without any doubt, it should be noted that for the correct function of this technique and the achieve therapeutic success, it is necessary:
The general effects of of this treatment can be resumed in this four:
The principals indications are muscle-tendon problems, imbalances in the functioning of the fascia, sensory perceptual motor reeducation (SPMR), joints problems, lymphatic problems, neurological disorders and breathing problems.
As a secondary treatment, patients can have some type of relief of there symptoms in for example the present of period pain, asthma, headache, hyperhidrosis, wounds, treatment of the trigger points, cramps or in the trigeminal neuralgia.
It is important for future research to examine the longer-term benefits of elastic therapeutic tape as this would have greater applicability in clinical practice because the k-tape gave us the possibility to keep the treatment for a long period of time and permit to the patient to have a normal life and make there sport activities. The benefits of kinesiotape as reported in existing research are yet to be supported by adequate evidence from high-quality, adequately powered studies.